
弗兰肯斯坦传奇 第二季 更新至6集完结

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分类:欧美剧 英国 2017

主演:肖恩·宾 / 劳伦斯·福克斯 / 瑞恩·山普森 / 凡妮莎·柯比 / 梅芙·德莫迪 / 罗比·基 / 汤姆·沃德 / 汤姆·沃德 Tom Ward / 罗比·基 Robbie Gee 


  The major new six-part drama series, produced by Rainmark Films, sees Bean return as John Marlott - no longer a mere mortal, Marlott's purpose is to seek revenge on Lord Daniel Hervey for taking his life, and to redeem his soul after being wrongly convicted and hanged for murder. Set in 1830s London, Marlott must operate outside the law as he comes up against dark forces in high society and in the dangerous slums of the over-crowded capital.
  In his pursuit of Hervey, Marlott takes on the establishment in the form of Robert Peel's newly formed Police force and the Church. In the darkest corners of Georgian London, Marlott acts as defender of the poor and destitute as he fights to clear his name and bring Hervey to justice.

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