
都市侠盗:救赎 更新至1集

8.0 推荐

分类:欧美剧 美国 2021

主演:吉娜·贝尔曼,阿尔迪斯·霍吉,克里斯蒂安·凯恩,贝丝·涅斯格拉夫,阿丽莎·香农,诺亚·怀尔,Lucy Taylor,Michael Wozniak,Escalante Lundy,Sara Osi Scott,Eduardo Aldape,Holly Bonney,Demi Castro,Wendy Conrad,克雷格·戴恩,安迪·费儒,查尔斯·格林,小詹姆斯·希利,布伦特·菲利普·亨利,Law 


In this new iteration and new world, the Leverage crew have watched as the rich and powerful continue to take what they want without consequence. Grifter Sophie Devereaux (Gina Bellman), thief Parker (Beth Riesgraf), hitter Eliot Spencer (Christian Kane), and hacker Alec Hardison (Aldis Hodge) have watched the world change over the last eight years.Since their last job, it’s become easier–and sometimeslegal–for the rich to become richer and the powerful to squashanyone who gets in their way. To address the changes in the world around them, the team finds new blood in Harry Wilson (Noah Wyle), a corporate lawyer who is looking for redemption after realizing he’d been sitting on the wrong side of the table for his entire career, and Breanna Casey (Aleyse Shannon), Hardison’s foster sister who has a knack for computers, robotics, and getting into trouble.

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